Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Distracted - Theatre Experience

I have never been to a theatre other than school plays a few years ago. The play definitely created an image different from what I imagined. Mama seems to be much older than what I expected, who I imagined to be around thirty to thirty-five year old, given the age of Jesse. I was surprised at how well the actress could engage the audience during her sililoquies as a mother and a narrator, perhaps that is why she was chosen to Mama. It was a marvelous experience to see the acting make the play come alive, the male doctor caught my attention the most. He was funny when he acted with different accents, and he was bold and genuine at parts when he was himself, "ritalin helped me act as a doctor to help people!" When he did that, I felt as if he was part of the audience, and no longer distanced from us on the stage. Overall, I loved the play and it was quite an refreshing experience. I hope students in future will have the opportunity to not only read plays, but also watch them up close.


  1. I really love the play,too! It was such a wonderful experience to watch the play with the class. I've been to a few plays during high school years but usually most of them have nothing to do with what we learn in class so it was very nice to be able to connect our reading to the actual play.

  2. Watching what you read, is always an amazing experience as plain text words, with meaning, come to life.
