Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A & P - First Person Narrative from Another Character

Okay, so today me and the girls decided to go to the grocery store - with only swimming suits on - what an awesome idea! So we walked in, and I could feel all the eyes on us. I mean, it was the best experience, ever. I mean who can look away when a gorgeous girl like me is around? These two guys at the cash register, couldn't stop looking at us. They tried to hide it, but I know all their attention was on me, the whole time. Mom told us to get a jar of herring snacks, but I decided to keep walking around. We asked some guy some random question just to see his reaction, I could feel his eyes on us as we walked away. Jeez men are so pathetic. It was all fun until the stone-faced manager came up us and told it wasn't the beach. How rude! Doesn't he see we're just trying to have some fun? I mean oh my god, what a loser! But the funniest thing happened as we walked out of the store. One of the guys at the register said he quit! I think he was trying to impress us by pissing off his manager. I don't know if he really quit or not. I mean, whatever! I don't care.


  1. I think that you perspective on the character is funny and great. It goes well with the story, specially the part where they walked around the whole store and they already knew what they were looking for, the herring snacks, but they walked around the whole store to get attention.

  2. Lol, it's really interesting to see your views about girls and their thinking. I wonder if we really talk like this. Love the last sentence! She just doesn't care!

  3. Haha. Your story from Queenie's perspective is so funny! This is the funniest sentence ever: "They tried to hide it, but I know all their attention was on me, the whole time". Also this one: "I mean oh my god, what a loser!" I can totally imagine Queenie saying something like that. Great imagination!
